Donate to our Madrasah, ....Our madrasahs are integral part of our Muslim world.
Here you can help one grow and flourish.
Contribute to knowledge , contribute to our future...


Madrasah Abdullah Ibne Masood Ra, Hyderabad, is serving the people since 2001.  It is an affiliated branch of higher islamic study institute, AL MAHAD UL AALI AL ISLAMI, HYD. Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani Sahab DB is the patron of this Idara. Madrasah Aim has successfully stood in creating alim and alimah from different branches of modern education. Our alumni includes doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, bankers and of course huffaz. We do not have any land or building for our idara. We have changed our location for almost 7 times in two decades. From one rented place to other. Often it was too difficult to conduct exams in these premises and we had to take help from local schools to the needful. We have been appealing to public for a donation so that we can have an organized premises to carry out the academics. 

This can be donation of money, land, building, flat or even a small part of building solely for madrasah. Our Online classes institute is running successfully, although our offline branch is having difficulty in paying rents, and coping with increasing number of students. As half of our students do not or cannot pay the fees as they are from very poor background. But this did not stopped us from running the madrasah for two decades. And inshallah will never be. The madrasah still needs a place to prosper. In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of female students, which now comprises of almost half of all the students. This makes the need of a proper environment.

You can call us, email us or just visit our madrasah to know us better. May Allah grant your rightful prayers and answers all your needs.

To Donate

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UPI id , Credit cards , Debit cards , Net Banking , Wallets , QR code and also pay later.

Click the button to donate
Every single donation will help us strengthening our organization and our cause.
Do not feel shy for any amount. We will be delighted to have your contribution